Wednesday, April 11, 2012

April Tournament...Painting

So I might be going to the April tournament at Crossroad Games.  The problem however, other then the usual issues of kids all the other things I need to take care of, the force I would use is not painted enough where I'll have it finished in 11 days.

Not the best picture I admit but this is the first 1500 points I'm going to finish.  I have multiple vehicles that need a first coat in sections (and second & third coats), the details on the terminators are not done, the scouts need to be cleaned up and detailed, and I haven't started any of  the Celtic scroll work on the vehicles.  I was going to do something simple like this (not these colors but this pattern):

Once that is all done I'll flock, ink, let dry a few days, flock some more, and then dull coat.  So in 11 days that is not all going to happen but I guess I'll see how much I can get done.


  1. I like how the picture is so big that it rolls off the side. Classy.

  2. You've got a lot of good progress even if you don't finish it. Everything has paint on it, even if it's not complete, so you'd still get a reasonable score for painting. As long as it's not a 0, which it wouldn't be, you're all set.
